What will I find on this website?
The Need help or advice pages provide easy-to-follow information about the laws and procedures that you, as a young parent, may need to know if social workers become involved with your child and the answers to the questions that you may have. Whether you are looking for information and advice about how children's services work or need to understand what happens at a child protection conference you will find information to help you.
The Working together pages will give you tips on how to best work with your child’s social worker, how you and your family should be involved in making plans for your child, and how an advocate or a legal representative (solicitor) may help and support you.
The A-Z pages will help you understand the words and phrases that social workers often use.
The information on this website:
- Is intended for guidance only and whilst every effort is made to ensure it is correct at the time of publication, it should not be used as a substitute for legal advice or for individual advice about your case and
- Refers to the court process in England and Wales. Wales has some differences in law and guidance to England, so if you live in Wales and are unsure, please check with Family Rights Group via our free advice line
- The information on this site does not apply to Scotland or Northern Ireland.