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I want my child to go.into care

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 9:25 pm
by MissyB1976
Hello please can anyone advise. My 10 year old son is out of control. He on a plan at school which could see him expelled. He hits me all the time as well as swearing and spitting. He is absolutely vile. I just can't cope. He has a school mental health worker a behaviour specialist worker none is helping. He has no medical diagnosis but will be getting assessed as soon as school full some forms in. He has had no trauma nothing at all. He has everything he could possibly need. I have emailed social services and awaiting a call back. He has been severe like this now for over 3.5 years. The violence is getting much worse. I am a mum of 3 with 2 adult children who can't believe the way he is either me. I am married with a huge strain on this at the family will watch him he is every mothers worse nightmare for bullying your child. He is literally killing me and I'm sorry I can't face this for another 8 years I just can't. He starts from the minute he wakes and refuses every command. I don't give in but I can't listen to advice about please persevere it will get better because it's not. He tells me every day to commit suicide I just said to him be careful what you wish for.
Feeling so low I don't want to go through this abuse any more.