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in court care proceedings

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 9:18 am
by Mumof2abmwg
Hi can anyone help with advice

Both of my children have been taken from me by social services. My youngest is in foster care (3 months)and the oldest is with a family member(14)

My 3 month old was getting fed by my partner and he had a bad crying fit so bad he turned dark red in the face after he calmed red blotches appeared under his eyes and around his forehead these blotches later turned to bruises my son was his normal little self no temp not acting any differently so I didn’t seek medical advice because I thought it was the crying genuinely. The next day I took him into a n e and they said they were inflicted. But my partner and I were the only ones with him and we wouldn’t even dream about doing anything to our child. They kept my youngest in hospital did a skeletal X-rays ct scan blood tests the all came back normal no fractures or bruising anywhere else on his body neck or head. We have been observed and been told that the parenting course we are on we will walk through it because we have shown we are more than capable and prepared to look after both boys, by the fact that we can see both boys 3 times a week and we have FaceTime every night with our little one and I’m allowed to go to all of his appointments and starting baby sensory classes supervised by the foster carer does this mean I will eventually get both my boys home ? Any advice would be greatly received and appreciated thanks in advance T

Re: in court care proceedings

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2021 5:16 pm
by Suzie, FRG Adviser
Dear  Mumof2abmwg

Welcome to the discussion board and thank you for your post. My name is Suzie, and I will be advising you today.

You have two children, one in foster care and one being looked after by a family member. The children are not living with you at present because of suspected physical harm to your youngest child. You have supervised contact with your children three times a week and are involved with health and wellbeing appointments for your youngest child.  You ask whether this bodes well for the future return of your children and would like some advice regarding your situation.

I understand that it is a difficult and stressful time for you and your family and that you would like some reassurance that your children will return to your care. I cannot say whether this will happen. I don’t know all of the facts and circumstances, and this is not part of the service we provide.

The process of the care proceedings will determine whether your children will return to your care. From what you say, you are working well with the safety plan for your children. You are attending contact, engaging in a parenting assessment, and have received positive feedback. You are also attending health appointments and are willing to attend baby classes to progress your youngest child’s development.  This is positive and demonstrates you are willing to work with Children’s Services to meet you your children’s needs.  I would encourage you to continue.

Care Proceedings
You are in care proceedings – is this under Interim Care Orders for your children?  I have added a link to our website which  explains  the process of care proceedings and what you can expect HERE. You may find this useful to read at each step of the process.  If there is anything you do not understand I would suggest you speak to your solicitor and ask them to explain.

I have also added a link to Interim Care Orders HERE which you may find useful. It explains several points which included what an interim care order is, what effect it has and the duties of the local authority.

I have also included a link HERE which offers guidance on how to work with solicitors which you may find helpful. The page offers ‘top tips’ for working with a solicitor and point 1 offers practical guidance on how to ensure good communications.

Is there a finding of fact within the care proceedings?  If so please find a link HERE that explains what this is and why they are sometimes used in care proceedings.  

Foster Care
Your youngest child is in foster care and your oldest child is being cared for by a family member – under what arrangement is your oldest child being cared for?

I have added a link HERE
which explains what foster care means for you and your child and what the roles and responsibilities are for Children’s Services. I have also added a link HERE which explains the role of an Independent Reviewing Officer, often referred to as an IRO. This is the person who oversees the plan for your child whilst they are in the care of the local authority. You should be invited to Reviews for your children and this is the person who chairs those meetings.

You are seeing your children three times a week in a supervised setting.  You also have facetime with your youngest child.  I have added a link HERE that you may find useful.  It offers support and advice in respect of contact whilst you are in care proceedings with your children and what you should expect from Children’s Services.

Family Group Conference
I am not sure whether you are aware of or have been involved in a Family Group Conference, often referred to as an FGC. The link HERE explains what it is and what it hopes to achieve. In summary, it is a family-led decision-making meeting where a child or children’s wider family and support network come together to develop a plan to support a child and keep them safe. They are used to identify people within the family who can offer support for the child and their family and can also be used to identify family members who may wish to be considered to care for the children on a long term basis if the parents cannot.

I hope you find this information useful.  I appreciate there is quite a lot to read through and this can sometimes feel overwhelming.  Should you wish to speak to an adviser please call our free advice line: 0808 801 0366 (Mon to Fri 9.30a.m. – 3.00p.m.) Or please post again on this board if you have a further query.

Best wishes, Suzie