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Guardianship Assessment why so intrusive?

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 9:08 pm
by Cupcake1
We are currently going through our SGO as our viability assessment was positive. Our GS is currently a looked after child, we was hoping that we would get our GS sooner than wait till the end of court case, which can take some considerable time. Our GS has been in care now for nearly 3 months, we have had no contact during this time but mum has.
The assessment we are going covers every nook and cranny, we have had police checks which are clear, we are not known to children services, they have interviewed our children, we've had to go over our childhood, how we brought up our children. Now they want to know every address we have lived in since we were 18, every job, education, parents how often we are in contact with our families. The list goes on, it is extremely gruelling, intense and very intrusive. I am not sure why our past has any relevance.
I wanted to know from children services timeframes on how soon we could have our GS placed in our care. They agree that our GS should not be in foster any longer than necessary, however they do not seem to be very quick about sorting things out or in making decisions. We have another couple of sessions this week it feels as though we are going the same information as if they are searching for anything bad or traumatic that has happened in our lives. It doesn't seem that they think that people can have a 'normal' upbringing and that your own parents did the best for you.
I understand their concerns and that our GS needs to be safe however being with his family surely must be better for him. It is so frustrating as they have not really given a valid reason on why he cannot come to ours.