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Autism spectrum disorders

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 2:34 pm
by Worriedg
Is there any groups for parents with asd my daughter has just been part diagnosed with this ..time limit has gone to get a full diagnosis. And is losing her children cause there is no resources to support her !! A loving mother to lose her children doesnt seem fair cause of condition that is no fault of her own .!

Re: Autism spectrum disorders

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 1:47 pm
by Suzie, FRG Adviser
Dear worriedg

Thank you for your further post. I am sorry to hear about the continuing difficulties your family are experiencing.

Your adult daughter who is involved in care proceedings has now had a partial diagnosis of ASD. You don’t say if this was as part of an expert psychological/psychiatric assessment for court. Was the impact of this considered as part of any parenting assessment that your daughter may have had? Do encourage your daughter to discuss the implications of this fully with her solicitor who should be able to advise her on what this means in her children’s case. It is important that your daughter raises any significant issues with her solicitor now, whilst the case is still in court.

It is a good idea to help her find some support for herself as a parent with ASD. A good starting place might be the National Autistic Society who provide both telephone advice and also have a directory of services and support groups. Some of the family and friends carers who use this discussion board and may have experience of a family member with ASD may also be able to signpost you to support groups or help for your daughter.

I hope this helps.

With best wishes


Re: Autism spectrum disorders

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 1:02 am
by Worriedg
My daughter did a test with court appointed pyschologist. The pyschologist requested meeting My self and daughter as my daughter seemed to e failing all her assessments ( not sure that's the right term ) . Yet was doing wonders with her therapy . We were both questioned her as then and now me as pregnancy and childhood. She also gave my daughter a test her result were asc and adhd . She goes to court days before Christmas to work out her acess to her children as they will be going to their dads to live . As no resources available to help her with children. She's been the only constant in her kids lives she is broken she will be denied her kids childhood . And as they have two different dads in different parts of the country most possibly a lot of thier adulthood to ..