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Looking for carers who could be affected by benefits cap

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 5:14 pm
by David Roth
Family Rights Group has been lobbying the government, along with other members of the Kinship Care Alliance, to try to protect family and friends carers from the proposals in the welfare reform bill that could leave them worse off.

We have now been contacted by ITV news, who are looking for someone to interview who could be affected by the benefits cap. This is a really good opportunity, not only to speak out about how the benefits cap could affect you, but also to let a wider audience know about what being a family and friends carers means.

If you are worried that you might be affected by the £500 a week benefits cap, and you are interested in speaking up, could you let us know? You are most likely to be affected if you have 3 of more children, live in rented property in London or an area where rents are high and receive housing benefit.

If you're interested, please email our chief executive Cathy Ashley URGENTLY on