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Broken contact order. Please help.

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 10:22 am
by Nannan
I have a contact order to see my grandson and my daughter has stopped our contact. I applied to the court for an enforcement order which the court say they did not receive. My solicitor sent copies back into court and I am worried they will disappear again. I haven't see my grandson for four months now and they have told him that the police say I cannot see him. Should I report this to social services before any more emotional damage is done to him? Thank you

Re: Broken contact order. Please help.

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 10:17 am
by Suzie, FRG Adviser
Dear Nannan,

I am sorry to hear that things have not got any further with your court application to enforce a contact order. Your solicitor has taken steps to re-issue your application, so hopefully you will have a court date soon.

I can see how upsetting this must be for you and no doubt your grandson to be told lies that suggest you are dangerous.

You ask about reporting what has been said to your grandson to children services. That could be an option but it is not possible for me to say whether you should do that. Instead, you could discuss what has been happening with the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000 and they can advise you of the way forward.

Often, when there are private law proceedings, children services do not get involved, as they know that a judge and a cafcass officer (court social worker) will be looking at things. A cafcass officer can report to children’s services if they are worried.

If you did decide to report anything to children’s services, then you can ask to remain anonymous.

Families need Fathers (who advise everyone about contact applications) and Grandparents Plus advise about private law children act applications.

Best wishes,