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Cafcass and courts suggesting change of residence to force c

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:54 am
by green1980
Hi, im really struggling and need some help/advice. I'm in the middle of a really long court battle with my ex over contact with the children. They are 8 and 10 years old and one hasn't seen their father for over 5 years and the other for over 2 years. He wants contact but the children do not want to go. My youngest is currently undergoing psychological treatment because when he was with his dad he suffered emotional abuse. . Now Cafcass are involved and wrote an unfair report saying that they think I have brainwashed the children and it's me stopping them from having contact. I never have done that and have always encouraged them to go, they are the ones saying no. It's now got to the point that nothing that is being tried to force contact is working and now it's been suggested that the children get taken from me to force the contact. I'm so scared as I have done nothing wrong.