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Supervision order

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 12:22 pm
by twilight1107
My father in law has a child arrangements order and s supervision order. The supervision orfer may be coming to an end in December.

Will we get this free like the care proceedings were?

Re: Supervision order

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 2:18 pm
by Suzie, FRG Adviser
Dear twilight1107

Thank you for your post.

You say that your father in law has a child arrangements order (CAO). There is also a Supervision Order (SO) in place but this would actually be to children’s services rather than to your father-in- law as it is an order which allows them to supervise the care a care-giver, in this case, your father-in-law, gives to the child. Supervision orders usually last for a year but can be extended, to a maximum of two more years.

As the order is due to end in December then children’s services should normally arrange a meeting about six weeks before this with you, as a parent, and your father-in-law, as the children’s carer, to discuss their intentions e.g. if they are in agreement that the SO should come to an end or if they are intending to apply to the court to extend the order.

Apart for any court proceedings you may be able to access some limited legal advice ‘legal help’. You could go back to the solicitor who represented you in the care proceedings, for some guidance, especially if any queries arise from the meeting with children’s services, such as whether there is any need for an extension to the order or whether any ongoing support is to be offered.

If children’s services intend to apply for an extension to the SO then you should be eligible for non-means and non-merits tested legal aid to receive advice and representations in the proceedings. However, if children’s services were applying to vary or discharge the order then your eligibility for legal aid would be assessed on your means (income and capital) and merits (you would have to show that your case was likely to succeed on the merits).

You can find out more about legal aid by contacting Civil Legal Advice on Telephone: 0345 345 4 345 or you can text ‘legalaid’ and your name to 80010 and ask for a call back.

I hope this is helpful.

With best wishes
