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Confused - help please

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 8:03 pm
by QuestionMark
Had the draft judgement handed down today even though my solicitor wasn't informed of it and so I couldn't be present when it happened as no one had told us! Long story short is that he's giving an SGO to my parents - that's not what I'm confused about, it's the following:

SW said findings made in the past in relation to my daughter and late son don't apply to new son & guardian said I had "some insight" and had it been "more in depth" there "would have been discussions around his return" - so how have we ended up in a position were it's an SGO; surely with the above professionals saying these things it would make sense for them to work with me and give me a court order that enables his return?

Also confused about this; I'm in a pool of perpetrators for injuries my late son suffered - I did not hurt him. I'm in the pool with my abusive ex (his dad). Recent evidence has came out to prove I should be removed from pool as ex is responsible and so there's been talk about this happening. LA now saying it was "never about the injuries but more about emotional harm" so I'm confused as this entire time they've been telling me they can't help me 'cause I'm in a pool???