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Post by Miserylovescompany2 » Sat Nov 24, 2018 10:51 am

My son has been looked after for over a year now. He is 13yo and at this present time the Local authority are not meeting his needs. To give context - my son was initially removed under the category of beyond parental control.

At the beginning of proceedings the judge was told by CS that my son required a solo placement to meet his complex needs. This aforementioned placement never happened. My son is currently in a group care home for children with behavioural and emotional issues.

He was dumped there - no prior visits etc. My son has a diagnosis of autism. This diagnosis is being disputed in a very underhand way with no transparency whatsoever. I have been informed that my son is no longer safe around his 3yo sibling. Yet CS will not put their reasoning into writing. I am being told/threatened that if I do not comply with their demands that my daughter will be placed on a CPP. I have also found out that a report has been written and circulated by a lead clinical phycologist. At no point was I contacted. At no point was my son seen in person. My sons current SW read the report to me over the phone. It basically states that my son has a personality disorder and no traits of autism. I was told by the SW to contact the phycologist and request the report.

I eventually managed to speak with this psychologist and requested the aforementioned report. The Psychologist claimed he had not written any report and proceeded to vehemently deny it even existed? I proceeded to quote sections of the report. Suddenly the psychologist was more interested in who had shared this! I went on to further explain how it was not even based upon fact. I was subsequently told that my son was essentially a psychopath and that all psychopaths kill. Apparently there is no difference either between a sociopath and a psychopath. I could not believe what I was hearing. Off of the back of this report that does not exist my son is not allowed around his sister.

Strangely enough I was initially informed of this whilst my son was on a holiday with both myself and his younger sibling.

At this time I have contacted the complaints officer. Raised a formal complaint with the NHS regarding the psychologists unethical practice. I have also raised a complaint against CS. Thus far my concerns have been raised with various managers. If anything this has made the situation worse.

Is there anything else I can do? This entire thing is a mess. Any advice would be most welcomed and appreciated.

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Suzie, FRG Adviser
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Re: Despair...

Post by Suzie, FRG Adviser » Wed Nov 28, 2018 11:49 am

Dear Miserylovescompany

Thank you for posting again.

I am sorry that you are still having difficulties with children’s services regarding the support you believe that your son needs.

The concerns that you have can be discussed with the independent reviewing officer (IRO) who is the person who normally chairs the Looked after child review meetings (LAC). The role of the IRO is to ensure that the care plan for the child is followed and any changes are properly discussed and in the child’s interest. The child’s welfare is an important factor when considering what should happen.

You say your son has a diagnosis of autism but this is being disputed. Who carried out the assessment and diagnosed autism in your son? It seems to me that you would need that person to have a say in what is being suggested now. As you still have parental responsibility for your son, children’s services should keep you informed about the plans and decisions they are making in respect of your son. Please see our advice sheet Child protection procedures which will provide more information what you can expect from children’s services in respect of your son.

Regarding the report from the clinical psychologist I do not understand why the social worker would ask you to obtain a copy from the psychologist and why would the psychologist denial the existence of the report. You have already made a complaint regarding the psychologist and you are entitled to do so.

As far as children’s services is concerned, if you believe that they are acting unprofessionally in the management of your son’s case and the concerns that you have, the best thing would be for you to make a formal complaint which you already have. It will be necessary for you to go through the local authority’s complaints procedure before you can go to the local government ombudsman if you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint. Our advice sheet Challenging decisions and making complaints should help regarding the process.

In light of your son's diagnosis which you say in your post he has, you may find it helpful to contact the National Autistic Society 0808 800 4104 for advice.

Should you wish to discuss your case further with an adviser, do telephone our free confidential advice line on 0808 801 0366. The advice line is open from 9.30am to 3pm Monday to Friday.

I hope this helps.

Best wishes


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Re: Despair...

Post by Miserylovescompany2 » Wed Nov 28, 2018 12:38 pm

Thank you for your most welcomed reply. I have made the IRO aware of concerns - yet nothing has been done to address this. I will give an example to give context. The IRO did not raise concerns when CYPS stopped working with my son. The IRO never challenged this at a more senior level. It clearly states in CS amended recommendations to the court that my son was to receive twice weekly input from CYPS. This stopped in January.

With regard to my sons diagnosis - he was three at the time. He met the criteria for the diagnosis. It is now being claimed that no evidence can be found of this diagnosis. Yet last year it was claimed that this wasn't a detailed report. Now it is being claimed that this does not exist and they (CS) can not find this. I have signposted the SW in the direction of the GP who will have all records on file. They (CS) are not at this time communicating with me. I have requested that a reasonable adjustment be applied for all communication to be in written format. This is the only part of my extensive email that was responded to and only by the complaint officer.

To date I have sent various links about PDA to all professionals involved. Emails and texts are currently going unacknowledged.

I have a meeting to discuss my NHS complaint tomorrow and my other complaint I am being told that I will receive a more detailed response by the end of this week.

Hopefully I will be given clear answers...

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Re: Despair...

Post by Miserylovescompany2 » Sat Dec 01, 2018 10:24 am

Just to update - I have had a meeting with regard to the NHS complaint I initiated. I should hear back no later than the 10th December. I have not progressed at all regarding my CS complaint. I was informed in writing on Monday (26/11/18) that I would be receiving a response by the end of the week. I have heard nothing.

My son is currently still unaware that he is not allowed around his 3.5yo sibling. I was told the week before last during a telephone conversation with SW that my son is still permitted to come to our home whilst his sibling is asleep. I questioned this and asked what am I do if my daughter wakes up? Or is ill? I was told I am to phone her during office hours or EDT after. I asked what I am supposed to do if my son makes an impromptu visit (which he has done often in the past). The same advice was repeated. I am not being told why my son is now deemed to be unsafe. We have had unsupervised contact 3 x per week. My son was also transported to our home after incidents at his care home. The SW was aware of this. To give context my son attacked the female manager that day. I was left to deal with the aftermath. I didn't even know what had happened prior to my son being dropped off for contact. It was me who phoned my daughters nursery and asked if they could keep her for a full day so I could focus on calming my son.

We have enjoyed a holiday together in the interim. My son stayed for a extended weekend. He also enjoyed an extended contact during the week - it was on the day of the extended contact I was informed that he was not safe around his sister.

I can not stress this enough - he has never harmed her. He interacts appropriately with her.

I am sorry if I am repeating what I have already covered. This is making no sense. CS are giving me no information. They have ceased contact with my sons care home also. That is what they are telling me.

Having read and reread all the fact sheet and links provided. The outcome is the same as when this whole mess began. CS have not followed their own guidelines. I have flagged this up on multiple occasions with my solicitor through the court process and the IRO both during and afterwards. I have lost count of the times I have contacted the complaints department. Nothing seems to be adhered to :/

My sons needs are not being met - his MH is at an all time low. I am trying my best to support him but nothing I am doing his making his life better.

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Re: Despair...

Post by Miserylovescompany2 » Mon Dec 03, 2018 9:22 am

Also to add - I have contacted the national autistic society. They advised me to try here. I have also tried various other organisations and they either don't cover my area or are unable to assist.

As my initial 2016 complaint is still stuck on pause I have contacted the ombudsman again. The last two occasions I did so I was told my complaint had to of gone through all three stages. I requested additional support to assist me in the complaints process. I was told this was sorted at the time. When in reality there was no support given. I just seem to go around in a perpetual loop. My initial complaint is a Multi agency one to give context and relates to both my sons. One section of the complaint is SEN related. My now 17yo has accumulated 5 years worth of voids in his education. Even through the CPP from latter part of 2016 to beginning of this year this was not rectified. SEN department named a school during my younger sons court process. I challenged this. I was given poor advice whilst filling out initial form - I also asked if CS would assist as my elder son was still subject to a CPP. I was told. No. CS would not assist. They never put this in writing though. The majority of issues I challenged went unanswered or ignored. My complaint became so complex. I was told at one point it would be looked at as one complaint as all issues were connected. Due to lack of communication this never happened.

The entire thing is one huge mess and seems to get worse as time goes on...

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Re: Despair...

Post by Miserylovescompany2 » Mon Dec 03, 2018 2:45 pm

This is getting worse. I have not long received a phone call from Children's services. The person stated they were a advanced social worker. I asked them to repeat their title and then it was stated the person was a senior social worker. I asked what the call was in connection to? I was told he had been asked to do a family and child assessment. I asked if this was connected to my emails/complaint. He refused to answer this. He stated he would need to come to my home and look around. I asked why? He said it was part of his children and family assessment. He stated my two children still at home were subject to a CIN plan until July of this year. I stated this was not the case. The case was closed on 23/05/18.

I found out during the conversation that a risk management panel took place on the 22/11/18. I asked what this was in relation to? He said that would be explained to me when he came out. I stated that I would wish to seek legal advice first. I was told rather curtly that I had until tomorrow to do so. He wanted this sorted by Christmas.

I asked for everything he had spoken to me about to be put in writing. He said NO. I explained that I struggle with verbal communication and would appreciate everything he had said to be written down so I could process properly. He said that I was being very unreasonable if I did not agree to the assessment then he will go back to his manager and she would involve the police. I asked what the police had to do with this. He refused to answer. He repeated that he would be phoning tomorrow for my decision. He also mentioned a referral? He would not say what this was in relation to?

I have no idea what is going on.

I have left a message with my solicitor. Still waiting for a callback. I have contacted the complaint officer - she has stated she will speak with SW manager. No idea who this new SW is.

We have had years of them invading my families personal space. We haven't done anything to warrant this type of intrusion. No concerns with my 3.5yo and my 17 yo is having ongoing issues with college. We have been dealing with this. I don't think it requires CS intervention.

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Re: Despair...

Post by Miserylovescompany2 » Tue Dec 04, 2018 10:29 am

I have all the paperwork confirming my children's case was closed on 23/05/18. The complaint officer is doing nothing with this.

What else can I do. My family is being persecuted because I have continued to raise concerns. There must be something I can do. My daughter is 3.5yo they (CS) can in theory continue this until she is 18 :/

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Re: Despair...

Post by Miserylovescompany2 » Wed Dec 05, 2018 9:44 am

Just to update - I heard nothing yesterday via telephone or email. I did receive a letter from the complaints officer basically contradicting what had been said in earlier verbal discussions (albeit with a different person on the team). The letter states this will not be dealt with as a complaint until I have spoken with the SW manager. 3 weeks ago I was told this had gone 4 managers up the chain of command. No idea what this is about - I have highlighted so many failings on a serious level. If my 13yo had still been in my care I'd of been at the receiving end of CS wrath and rightly so. My son is not being appropriately safeguarded from harm.

He is in a environment which makes him vulnerable - his conversations are based on what he is hearing in the group home. There is talk of drugs, alcohol and other things he would never of discussed prior to entering the care system. He has spoken of one of the other residents of the home (15) smoking drugs and everything smelling of this, car and other residents room etc. There is a great deal of sexualised talk. My son has been attacked by a resident and had his door kicked off the hinges. My son will wind the other residents up and vice Versa. He doesn't know when to stop. This places all three residents at a heightened risk of harm.

There is very little understanding around the complexities of my sons disability. This unfortunately can be attributed to the majority of professionals involved. Their lack of insight is extremely worrying. The assume whomever is assigned to work with my son understands his needs. I have found out the hard way you can not assume anything when it comes to credentials.

Now when I raise concerns I am punished. The system is failing my entire family. It has done for years. The emphasis seems to be on what can we (CS) do to save time. Safeguarding is being used as an excuse to not do the work needed.

The so-called forensic assessment has been spoken of since prior to my son going into the care system. I was told he needed to be in a stable environment. No thorough assessment was undertaken during the court process on my son. So how could CS of known what his needs were? To ensure a placement met my sons complex needs. There were no experts in autism throughout the process. He had no advocacy. The guardians report was indicative of that of a NT child. I wrote a lengthy response to the report and sent to my solicitor - I was told by him that we don't give a response at this point. Everything I predicted in my response has now become a reality for my son. That and worse.

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Re: Despair...

Post by Miserylovescompany2 » Wed Dec 05, 2018 2:45 pm

I have received a more detailed email regarding my CS complaint. There has also been an email received to further discuss NHS (lead clinical phycologist) complaint - I have agreed to meet the lady this coming Friday.

After the phone call from SW on Monday I checked out his details on the HCPC register. This SW has restrictions attached to their practice after a very serious breach in data protection. I will not go into details for obvious reasons. I have made the complaints officer aware and provided relevant details. I am not sure at this point if the restrictions were disclosed when SW started working for the county I live in. SW previously practiced over 400 miles at the time of incident/breach. The registration still states this location. I am not familiar with the register and whether a change in location needs to be updated. This person could be an agency SW? More questions then answers at this point :/ Their surname is not comman. Only one person is registered. It is definitely this person. Restrictions are in place until next year.

Am I justified to not want this person assigned to my family. I have attempted to work with CS - unfortunately this seems one sided. I will have them in my life for years. I have to make this work.

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Re: Despair...

Post by Miserylovescompany2 » Sun Dec 09, 2018 3:12 pm

To give some more context to all of my recent posts this is the email I sent on the 22/10/18 - management x 2, IRO, care home, complaint officer and the solicitor who represented me through the court process were all blind CC'd in. This would mean the SW who this was addressed to could not see any of the others included.

Dear ***

I would like to take this opportunity to make you aware of my ongoing cause(s) for concern. The main concern is in direct relation to the current relationship between ****and **** (****). I am not the only person who is concerned at this present time. Various members of staff at (name of care home) have also voiced their own concern. Alongside **** own father.

Might I also add that I have raised concerns from the outset. Not only around this but including and not limited to; **** extensive free time in the community which has in the past seen him entering into the cars of a myriad of different adults. I asked whether this had been appropriately assessed? Only to be faced with this being greatly minimised by (previous SW jan - may 18). I was never given an answer to whether the aforementioned adults were even checked by the police. I also raised concerns about who he had been conversing with over both the Internet and by phone. My concerns were around **** being an easy target for grooming and potential child exploitation - again this was minimised by (previous SW) by stating these kinds of incidents are very rare?

**** is a vulnerable child who has a disability that is not always an obvious one to others. He is able to mask a great deal of his own vulnerabilities to a certain degree however this is superficial and a coping mechanism he has developed in order to fit into the norm of society. Overall **** does not currently have a level of self awareness that would allow him to keep himself safe furthermore he does not have the self control to regulate himself whilst in stressful situations. He struggles greatly with the subtle nuances in everyday conversation and will often take what is said literally - this alone causes him great confusion as it leads to misunderstanding and in certain instances. His reactions to misunderstanding information varies. This is also highly dependant on his anxiety levels at any given time. **** is also highly suggestible a prime example of this would be advertisements in whatever form - he will start asking for new devices, games after first seeing or hearing the advert.

Why does his current care plan not reflect these vulnerabilities? Are professionals as informed and as knowledgable they should be? What additional advice is being proactively sort to counterbalance this? As this stands **** is being continuously failed.

At this present time **** mental health is at an all time low. In CS amended recommendations to the court it clearly states twice weekly input from CYPS. This stopped in the latter part of January so why was this never taken to a more senior level?

On Saturday (20/10/2018) I missed a phone call from ****. A text message followed "Thanks for being there when I just need someone to talk to." After seeing this I called **** to try and ascertain what the problem was? He was clearly in a very distressed state and was crying at this point. I asked what was wrong? He kept saying everything and that there was no point to his life. I asked what had happened today to make him feel this bad? He stated nothing in his life ever goes right so what's the point? I asked if he'd seen **** or whether he planned to? His voice changed and he attempted to change the subject so I knew this was directly related to her. I eventually was told that he'd blocked her on his phone. I asked why? He wouldn't say. I said whatever has gone on blocking someone is not the answer.

(I will add more in next post as the email was extensive)

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