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Great News!

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 12:57 pm
by Nanny G
Hello Everyone,
I have some Great news!
My son was in court for the final hearing in care proceedings on Monday. As you know CS had put forwards for adoption having turned myself and my partner down as possible carers (which i was, and still am disputing).
On Thursday of last week i had a call from the Guardian saying she felt my son had come on so well in his contact in the last few weeks that she was now looking towards him as possible full time carer for his daughter and before she put this forwards she wanted to check i would be on board to help out while he was at work..!
So on Monday she told the LA her plans, who climbed on board with her and and put to the Judge they were now re considering Father and wanted an adjournment to allow further assessments to be carried out on him and his ability to care for his daughter.
This was obviously granted and they go back for an IRH on 29th April, and in that time my sons contact will be increased to enable him to take his daughter out and about and see how he manages her in the community, playing at the park, Asda for food for her lunch, the opticians for an eye test, Halfords to get a car seat and so on.
I will also now get contact at the centre to asses my ability to 'meet her needs' alongside my Son for an hour and a half a week.
I am so excited to be seeing her again, :D its been over 18 months! I dont know whether to take something in for her to do or see whats there to play with? What do you suggest? I am wondering as my son was told it was better for him to take something in, and plan and lead the play, than to just go along and be a passenger. Any advice always welcomed
Thanks for all your help and support here,

Nanny G

Re: Great News!

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 10:12 am
by Suzie, FRG Adviser
Dear Nanny G,

What wonderful news!

It will be lovely to see your granddaughter again at contact. You will be having contact alongside your son, is that correct?

You could discuss with your son what toys you could take. Even if you don’t get round to using them, its always useful to have a back-up toys to pull out!
As you say there will be toys at the contact centre as well.

Can you check with your son’s solicitor or the guardian what will be expected of you? Is your role to support your son during contact?

I am sure other posters will have really good advice about the contact assessment as well.

You should also be confident in yourself though. Look how much you have achieved which has been noticed by the guardian and children services.

If you look back at your posts on the board you can see all the hard work that you have put in, how you carried on in the face of difficult assessments and how you pushed for your voice as grandmother to be heard.

Best wishes,


Re: Great News!

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 9:17 am
by Nanny G
Thank you Suzie,
it is times like this you need to look back and see just how far things have come. It has been hard work, and heavy going, but i am glad now i didn't give up.

Yes, contact will be along side my son. As far as i know it is partly due to my application to the court, in which i not only put to be assessed as Guardians, but that i wanted contact with my granddaughter as the only thing that had stopped it was the mother. IN addition to this with my son being considered for having his daughter to live with him the Guardian has suggested i help care for my Granddaughter while he works, so she and i will need to be familiar with each other.

I spoke to my son about taking something in, to engage her with me and break the ice, but his advice was that i should not take anything in as it is the first time and she hasn't seen me for ages, he felt it might be seen as a treat and something that became expected of me every visit by my Granddaughter. He suggested instead i let her show me round the play room and show me what her favourites are and get her to engage by asking her about them and suggesting different ways of making things work for her. Her two favourites apparently are 'bathing baby', where they bath a doll in a baby bath and building the marble run.

I have some little mechanical 'clockwork' wind up toys here, that are pocket sized that she always loved so will take one of those in, in my pocket just in case.

Thank you all for your help,

Nanny G