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not sure how to form a new post, sorry! i have a question

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 7:19 pm
by tintin
I hope someone will be able to answer my question. I am hoping to apply for an SGO but, I already have contact order which I hope to eventually enforce. I want to know if I apply for an SGO would I need to go through mediation first? As a family member I don't fall into any of the exceptions for avoiding mediation regarding child court orders simply for example beign a parent or guardian etc.
I would really appreciate a response.
thank you

Child Arrangment order requirments

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 7:26 pm
by tintin
I hope someone will be able to answer my question. I am hoping to apply for an SGO but, I already have contact order. I want to know if I apply for an SGO would I need to go through mediation first? I have not had any mediation in the last 4 months which is one of the exceptions. What other requirements would I need to meet is any? As a family member I don't fall into any of the exceptions for avoiding mediation regarding child court orders simply for example being a parent or guardian etc.
I would really appreciate a response.
thank you

Re: Child Arrangment order requirments

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 2:09 pm
by Suzie, FRG Adviser
Dear Tintin,

Welcome to the friends and family carers forum.

Yes, it is my understanding that you would be expected to try mediation first, as this is a new issue (not contact) before you issue an application for a Special Guardianship order.
However, you could check with the court first.

Is the child living with you? If so, for how long? If it is less than 12 months, then you will also need to apply for leave or permission to apply for a special guardianship order.

As Irene says, you will also need to serve a notice (letter or email will suffice) on children services telling them you intend to apply for a special guardianship order.

Have a look at our advice sheet about special guardianship orders. Pages 10 to 38 details applying for an order.

I hope this helps but if you need further advice please post again or contact our advice line on 0808 801 0366.

Best wishes,
