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In it for good or worse

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2012 8:39 pm
by youngagain
Hello all again, just a short update. its been 5 years since I complained to the council about what is no doubt their criminal activities.I am now at the stage where the Ombudman has to review thier decisions that failed to find any wrongdoing but where there is conclusive evidence of wrongdoing and there it is. I have only now to present the last five years evidence to the police, evidence of some weight, so to me if by any chance my sacrifices in terms of time and sanity may save a child from neglect or death, then it would have all been worth while.

Re: In it for good or worse

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 10:53 am
by David Roth
Hi youngagain, thanks for coming back to update the forum about the process of your complaint.

I am sorry to hear that your complaint has been dragged out for so long, and still hasn't reached a satisfactory conclusion for you. I would always recommend to people that they make a complaint if they think their council has not been acting correctly - while some complaints procedures are not as independent as they ought to be, some people using this forum have been able to complain very successfully.

As you say, the five years of your complaint must have involved a lot of time and stress for you. I don't suggest that you shouldn't go to the police if you have evidence of criminal wrongdoing, but I do think you should stop and think carefully before adding to the time and stress this has already cost you. Perhaps you could take some independent advice on how the evidence you present is likely to be viewed? Remember, it has to not only convince you, but also the police and the CPS that it would be likely to result in a conviction.

I know it may be hard to let go of something that means a lot and has already taken up so much of your time and efforts. I just think that you need to consider your next step very carefully.