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FRG survey of family and friends carers

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 9:41 am
by David Roth
Family Rights Group is trying to carry out the biggest ever survey of family and friends carers!

We are aiming to get 500 family and friends carers to complete the survey on our website - so far we've had 380. We've extended the deadline for completing the questionnaire until 14th October, to give us more time to reach the total we want.

If you haven't done the survey yet, please do answer the questions. It will help FRG to make the case for family and friends carers over issues like the Welfare Reform Bill and the abolition of the Education Maintenance Allowance.

You can either follow the links on the FRG website homepage, or follow this link:

Many thanks to everyone who has already done the questionnaire, or who is planning to do so.

Re: FRG survey of family and friends carers

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:00 pm
by Cathy Ashley
We've now had over 400 responses - making this the largest survey of family and friends carers in the UK. But we're very keen to get to 500 - so if you haven't filled it in, please do so. The most responses, the more robust our evidence to decision makers including and politicians and the greater information we have to inform detailed policy making.
Many thanks to all who've filled it in already.
